Case Studies Tech Video

New Menu Structure

Feedback over the years has been that sometimes we have too much in the software. I find it interesting that people want less out of a system but can understand that having 80 different reports and transactions under the job might be more than you would use. In the past we jump behind the scenes […]

InterAcct News

Best of Breed

Sir Alex Issigonis once said that “A camel is a horse designed by a committee”. Sometimes people looking for software try to find the “best of breed software” for each department of their company, based on current needs. There is a hope that this will then mean that each is working at maximum efficiency. The […]

InterAcct News Video

InterAcct Video updates

We have many InterAcct Video updates on the website with new branding as well as in many adding in notes so that they can be watched without speakers. Videos on Accounting reports, CRM,  Project Management and ERP have been added The standard software now has 68 Videos linked in it to help users navigate the software […]

Accounting News Payroll

Single Touch Payroll

From July 1st 2018 all Australian Businesses that employ 20 or more staff will be required to report through Single Touch Payroll (STP). This will affect around 3% of Australia’s 2 million businesses. The cut off for your headcount to find out if you will require STP is April 1st 2018. There are some exceptions being given to […]

Job Costing Video

Quick Construction Video

Many people have asked for shorter video presentations. Today we uploaded a Quick Construction Video that is a  cut down version of the construction profile video that covers most of the same topics in 6 minutes to what was taking 43 minutes. The detail is not the same as it’s jumping through topics at speed […]