Accounting News Payroll


As the end of the year approaches, we are very close to putting this into production but to avoid the risk of fines for being late we have applied to the ATO for a deferment for a few months. I have been advised that even large software houses like Xero have deferred until next December. […]

Accounting News Payroll

New Tax Tables

InterAcct Software has the new tax tables based on the changes in legislation.   Changes to personal income tax thresholds announced by the Government during the Federal Budget have been incorporated into the withholding schedules and tax tables and will apply to payments made on and from 13 October 2020. As the changes to withholding are […]

Accounting News Payroll


Many clients have asked us about the JobKeeper system. With InterAcct Software STP running the ATO has all of the information to quickly lodge for JobKeeper through their online portal. Within a few minutes its all lodged and just waiting for the ATO to process the payment.    Contact us if you need more information. 

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