IntroductionJob Cost AccountingPhasesVisual CalendarProject ManagementQuotesAccountingAccounting
Just an introduction to the InterAcct  Professional Software with Job Costing.

This video demonstration shows a Job Budget. It shows material requirements, required to purchase, purchasing, works orders, and other job cost transactions.

This video demonstrates the InterAcct Phases or Sub Job Module. This is an optional module under the Job Costing system

InterAcct is a database software product. As such, your diary of follow ups, (or your work schedule) are shown in a traditional columnar format. With the new InterAcct Scheduler, you can create a graphical calendar of your diary – to see one or more employees, for a day, week, or month.

This video demonstration shows many of the features for Project Managers under the Job Costing system.

A quick review of the options to print a quote under the standard InterAcct System

This Quick demo looks at the accounting software standard reports and some of the other screens used for accounting transactions.

This Quick demo looks at the accounting software standard reports and some of the other screens used for accounting transactions.

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