It does not come up that often that people need support on Opening Balances in the system, but we have recently added a new training video that covers this topic. It is available to all existing users of the software under the training videos link.
Sir Alex Issigonis once said that “A camel is a horse designed by a committee”. Sometimes people looking for software try to find the “best of breed software” for each department of their company, based on current needs. There is a hope that this will then mean that each is working at maximum efficiency. The […]
We have many InterAcct Video updates on the website with new branding as well as in many adding in notes so that they can be watched without speakers. Videos on Accounting reports, CRM, Project Management and ERP have been added The standard software now has 68 Videos linked in it to help users navigate the software […]
We have had some instances where a client will want their system personalised to better suit their specific needs. In most cases these changes are minor, just moving data around or adding and removing fields from data entry. But where the changes are more significant one option open to clients is to have a training […]
We are updating the content on our website with new video presentations. we had feedback from some people that they wanted to have shorter videos on more topics. Today we have uploaded Manufacturing as well as Quick Production.
Hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas break. InterAcct will be closed Friday the 23rd of December and reopen 9th of January 2017. Below is Paul and Simon with an InterAcct cake baked by Ellie of Rainbow Cakes.
I was recently asked for some details from a client in regards to the training facilities offered in our offices (at no charge). I have attached a picture of our training room, which could easily seat 8 people with whiteboard and Smartboard all set.
Sydney Storms have yet again passed, and we get ready for the normal End of Financial year rush for training for those wanting to start going live on the 1st of July. If you plan on having a training/visit before the end of June with InterAcct Software please contact us ASAP to get started, as […]
InterAcct Software will be moving office in early May to 7 Narabang Way Belrose.
As with all years, InterAcct Software closes their office over the Christmas break. Our Offices will be shut from 5:00pm on the 23rd of December until 8:30am 11th of January 2016 for Christmas. Some urgent email support may be available during this time depending on staff availability. We wish you all a happy and safe […]
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