Accounting News Payroll


Many clients have asked us about the JobKeeper system. With InterAcct Software STP running the ATO has all of the information to quickly lodge for JobKeeper through their online portal. Within a few minutes its all lodged and just waiting for the ATO to process the payment.    Contact us if you need more information. 

Accounting News

TPAR Reporting

For a number of years people working in the Building and Construction Industry have needed to report on data of who they have had working for them as sub contractors. This data was used to work out if contractors were paying the correct tax, declaring all of their income and as to weather they were […]

Accounting News

End of Financial Year

Things are starting to get busy in the office as new clients start to implement systems over the next month or two in preparation for going live in the new financial year. You can start your InterAcct installation and go live at any time of the year, but every year this is a question asked […]