Below are some stock video demonstrations of the Standard System. For more information on the options for Products, Stock and Materials in InterAcct Please contact us.

Stock Video BasicsBatch NumbersSerial NumbersWarehouseQty Buy BreakLengthsProduct SamplesStock to SubbiesCreditorsImport Costing OverviewSales Order Kits, LengthsStock IssuesAuto PurchasingRFQPurchasing

This Stock Video Demonstration looks at a few of the basic Product/Stock transactions in the Standard System.

This Stock Video Demonstration looks at the optional module “Stock by Batch Numbers”. This module allows for tracking of Batches, Colours, of Expiry dates for products.

This Stock Video Demonstration looks at the optional module “Stock by Serial Numbers”. This module can be used with Jobs, Distribution and Service Maintenance.

This Stock Video Demonstration looks at the optional module “Stock by Warehouse”. This module allows for storing stock between locations and transfers.

This Stock Video Demonstration looks at the quantity buy breaks available in the standard software for product purchases.

This Stock Video Demonstration looks at the Sheets and Lengths Module

This Video Demonstration looks at the Products Samples system.

This Video Demonstration looks at the Stock to Subbies Transfer system.

Quick review of the InterAcct Accounts Payable/ Creditors system.

A short (less than three minute) introduction to import costing within InterAcct.
A longer Video on the Sales order distributors software including reviewing Lengths and Sheets and the kitting module.

This is part of a set of videos that look at each of the job costing transactions . This video is looking at stock issues to jobs. Taking materials from the warehouse and putting them in production or to the client site.

This video looks at the Auto Purchasing which can be used for Sales Orders, as well as job costing. It looks at the materials required to be ordered and creates suggested purchase orders to supplier

This video looks at the Request for Quote system. Sending out details of materials required to multiple suppliers quickly.

This video looks at the Purchase Orders. We send out the purchase order and receive in the goods

Other modules include :

Stock by Batch Number

Stock by Bin Locations

Stock by Serial Number

Stock for Multiple Warehouse Locations

Stock on Consignment

Imported Stock

as well as special industry stock changes.

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