Download InterAcct Trailer Manufacturing Brochure Download InterAcct Trailer Manufacturing Brochure

Why InterAcct Manufacturing Software?

  • Bill of Materials
InterAcct BOM’s all for any number of  Sub Assemblies levels with multi-level reports able to display this information clearly.
  • Production Processes
Labour and Machine Capacity Planning. Works order to Sub-Contractors for Galvanising, painting or powder coating.
  • OH&S – Quality Control
Safety and Quality Control considerations. Safe Work Method Statements
  • Document Register
Link to drawings, specifications, and Photos.
  • Production Jobs
Automatic job accounting processes. Transactions only need to be entered into InterAcct and your Manufacturing costs as well as Accounting is done in one step.
  • VIN, HIN, Serial Numbers
This modified version for Trailer Manufacturing , allows for VIN number creation and tracking. Even multiple sets of VIN numbers can be catered for.
  • Local Design
 Australian Software designed for Boat Trailer Manufacturing.
  • Custom BOM
Bill of materials can have items swapped out, for example, wheels or tyres, plugs etc. This effects the end sell price to the customer and the Production Order.

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