InterAcct Professional Software
- Projects – enquiries, jobs, history
- Estimating – by sub job (phase)
- Cost items, kits / templates
- Quotations – variety of print format options
- Scheduling – jobs due to start / complete, tasks, employees
- Job costing – budget / actual / variance analysis
- Progress claims – percentage complete by phase
- Variation to contract
- Business contacts database
- Bills of material options
- Document search database
- Fully integrated accounting, payroll
- Materials purchasing
Software benefits for Professionals
- Manage & analyse incoming Sales Enquiries
- Schedule appointments
- “Quick” Estimating & quoting option
- Multiple estimates per Job
- Estimate summary by your “Phases” within a Job
- Cost breakdown of Phase Summary by Cost Item and standard “Kits”
- Materials calculations by Each, M2, M3, and Linear
- Requirements summary by Job – Labour, Materials, Subbies, Hire, Sundries, etc.
- Can link Cost Estimates to create Quotes with multiple print formats
- Can copy an Estimate to a Job’s Budget when it has been won
- Task Scheduling by Job Start/Finish Date, and Employee
- Contract & Variations breakdown by Phase within a Job
- Cash Flow by Phase within a Project
- Progress Claims – percentage complete by Phase
- Invoicing with a full reconciliation report on Contract, Variations, Billing, and work to complete.
- Contract hourly charge rates by employee class, by job/client
- Automatic posting of actual costs to Work in Progress from receiving a supplier invoice.
- Can reserve stock of materials required for a Job, but not yet issued.
- Monthly summary of Job Revenue/Profits – expected versus actual
- Extension of Time Job Letter Writer
- Project management of percentage complete to calculate cost to complete and resulting profit variances.
- Document/Drawings Database, with graphic attachments
- Small Tools “Lending Library” Database
- Management “Alert” system interface to Diary follow up
- Report Configurator and Report Generator for Work in Progress (WIP)
- Numerous standard reports of WIP by period
- Flexible software design – add/remove fields, files, menus to suit.

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