InterAcct Software Pty Ltd is committed to protecting your privacy and personal information when you deal with us.

Our privacy details how we comply with our obligations under the Australian Privacy Act. It covers all our dealings with customers and the public.

InterAcct Software will only collect personal information from you with your prior knowledge and consent. You can access our website and browse the site without disclosing personal information.

We will only use personal information provided by you for the purposes for which it was collected and we will not disclose your personal information to a third party, except when it is required to facilitate a service you have requested.

InterAcct Software ensure that your personal information will not be disclosed unless law requires it or to prevent or investigate suspected unlawful activity.

We have implemented security technology and policies, rules and measures to reasonably protect the personal information under our control against: unauthorised access, improper use, alteration, unlawful or accidental destruction and accidental loss.

InterAcct Software will remove personal information from our systems where it is no longer required (except where archiving is required).

If you wish to view the personal information you have provided or, comment on or obtain further information about our privacy policy, please contact our team.


This Privacy Policy is InterAcct Software Pty Ltd (IAS) official privacy policy and it applies to all personal information collected by IAS. In this policy we explain how and why we collect your personal information, how we use it, and what controls you have over our use of it.

Collection of information

Some information provided to us by clients, customers, contractors and other third parties might be considered private or personal. Without these details we would not be able to carry on our business and provide our services to you. We will only collect such personal information if it is necessary for one of our functions or activities. The kinds of personal information that IAS collects includes:

contact details
financial information

In particular, personal information is collected from people in the following situations by IAS.
If you contact InterAcct Software Pty Ltd, we may keep a record of that correspondence;
– When you submit your e-mail address to our web site mailing list.
– Support or development requests.

At or before the time the personal information is collected by us, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of who we are, the fact that you are able to gain access to the information held about you, the purpose of the collection, the type(s) of organisations to which we usually disclose the information collected about you, any laws requiring the collection of the information and the main consequences for you if all or part of the information is not collected.

Use of information collected and disclosure of personal information to others

We may use or disclose personal information held about an individual for the primary purpose for which it is collected (e.g. provision of our services, including administration of our services, notification to you about changes to our services, record-keeping following termination of our services to you and technical maintenance). That is, to carry on our business and provide services to our customers. We may also use such information for a purpose related to the primary purpose of collection and where you would reasonably expect that we would use the information in such a way. This information is only disclosed to persons outside our business in the circumstances set out in this policy or as otherwise notified to you at the time of collection of the information, or with your permission.

In addition we are permitted to use or disclose personal information held about you:

Where you have consented to the use or disclosure. 
Of if such use or disclosure is required under or authorised by law (for example, to comply with a subpoena, a warrant or other order of a court or legal process). 
Where we reasonably believe that the use or disclosure is necessary for prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of crimes or wrong doings or the preparation for, conduct of, proceedings before any court or tribunal or the implementation of the orders of a court or tribunal by or on behalf of an enforcement body.
When you request a service and we are required to disclose the information to an staff member in order to facilitate the provision of the service.

Anonymity and Pseudonymity

You have the option of dealing with IAS anonymously. However, this only applies where it is practicable for IAS to deal with you acting anonymously or under a pseudonym, such as a general enquiry.

Direct Marketing

As part of IAS functions and business activities and to promote the services we can provide to you, IAS may use personal information that you have provided to us for the purposes of direct marketing. Direct marketing includes, but is not limited to, sending to you and/or contacting you in relation to promotions and information about IAS products and services. Generally, we will do so where you have expressed your interest to receive such information. You can opt out of receiving direct marketing communications by sending an email to or using the opt out link or details provided in the direct marketing communication.


Our web site may contain links to other web sites and those third party web sites may collect personal information about you. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other businesses or the content of web sites that are linked to our web site. IAS encourages users to be aware when they leave the site and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects personally identifiable information.

Security and storage

InterAcct Software places a great importance on the security of all information associated with our customers, clients and contractors. We have security measures in place to attempt to reasonably protect personal information under our control from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. All personal information held is kept securely and that held electronically is held in controlled facilities.

IAS retains the information you provide to us. This includes your contact details and to retain adequate records for legal and accounting purposes. This information is held on our servers.

Information stored within our computer systems can only be accessed by those entrusted with authority and computer network password sanctions.

No data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100 percent secure. As a result, while we strive to protect users’ personal information, IAS cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information transmitted to it or from its online products or services, and users do so at their own risk. Once IAS receives your transmission, it makes every reasonable effort to ensure its security on our systems.

Access to and correction of personal information

InterAcct Software is committed to and takes reasonable steps to maintain relevant, complete and appropriate information about our Prospects and clients .

You may request access to personal information about you held by IAS. Requests for access to your personal information should be made to:

InterAcct Software Pty Ltd

PO Box 171
Terrey Hills NSW 2084

Telephone: 1300 66 26 26

Verification of identity is required with a request to access (or update) personal information so that we can ensure your personal information is disclosed only to you.

Inaccurate information will be corrected upon receiving advice from you.

If we refuse to provide you with access to or correct the personal information held about you by us, then we will provide reasons for such refusal.

IAS will respond to any requests for access or correction within a reasonable time of receipt of the request, but by no later than 30 days of the request being received.


If you have a question or complaint about our Privacy Policies or IAS’s collection, use or safe disposal or destruction of your personal information, your feedback should be directed in the first instance to

We will promptly investigate your complaint and attempt to resolve the matter. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of this procedure or we have not responded to you with a determination, within 30 days then you may contact the

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

Phone: 1300 363 992

Transfer of information overseas

IAS does not ordinarily disclose personal information to overseas recipients. Personal information will only be disclosed by IAS in accordance by Australian law.


You accept that your use of this site includes your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use.

Interested Parties can request a copy of (IAS) Information Security Policy through our Sydney Office.

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