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Software highlights for Contractors Software

  • InterAcct is ideal as an integrated Job Costing, EstimatingQuoting and Accounting software system for Plumbers, Builders, Electrical Contractors or any ‘medium sized’ Trades business.
  • Job Costing – Budget/Actual/Variance Analysis
  • Progress Claims – % complete by Phase
  • Variations to Contract
  • Visual Calendar/Scheduler
  • Business Contacts Database
  • Document Search Database – by Job, Client
  • Materials Purchasing

Benefits for InterAcct Contractors Software

  • Manage & analyse incoming Sales Enquiries
  • Schedule appointments
  • “Quick” estimating & quoting option allows you to set up standard job ‘tasks’ which might be by M2, M3, Linear, or per Each. You can then cost materials, labour, subbies, sundries, hire, etc. in total for that task, rather than having to cost down to each individual cost item. It allows a quick cost estimate and quotation to be prepared for a job – possibly as a “Pro Forma”.
  • Estimate summary by your “Phases” within a Project
  • Cost breakdown of Phase Summary by Cost Item and standard “Kits”
  • Materials calculations by physical areas within a Project
  • Requirements summary by Job – Labour, Materials, Subbies, Hire, Sundries, etc.
  • Link Cost Estimates to create Quotes with multiple print formats
  • Task Scheduling by Project, Date, and Employee. Jobs due to start, jobs due to complete schedules.
  • Internal/External hire of plant & equipment to the Project
  • Cost Commitments of purchase/works orders shown against the Project
  • Progress Claims – percentage complete by Phase.
  • Project management of percentage complete to calculate cost to complete and resulting profit variances.
  • Several different print formats available when creating Job Sales Invoices.
  • One sales invoicing option is to create and use a “Line Item” Library which can be used for both Quoting & Invoicing. Each “Line Item” has a Heading, up to five lines of Text, and then Qty x Rate, plus Fixed $ calculations. It create a ‘story book’ style of explanatory invoice with minimum typing required.
  • Another option for Job Invoicing is to automatically create “Draft Invoices” for Do & Charge style work. It takes your Cost Transaction Ledger entries, and converts them into sales. You can edit the quantities/rates to suit, or decide to hold off invoicing until the next invoice batch is ‘run’.
  • Document management control – can attach MS-Word documents, CAD Drawings, to a job – with an overall search by Topic, Author, etc.
  • Tools “Lending Library” Database – who took out which tools, and when are they due back.
  • Costs, Expected Revenues and Profits are shown for a job each month, with a comparison to what has been actually billed out, and the actually profit taken up for accounting purposes.
  • Visual Calendar option – to view one or more employees for a day, week, or month. That allows you to easily identify available ‘gaps’.

If you are a Electrician, Plumber, Carpenter, Builder or into HVAC and want to know more about what InterAcct can do for you Contact us


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