Odoo Effective Hourly Cost with Priority Level and Service Package Discounts Applied. Our rates are cheaper than you think.
From time to time we get asked for discounts, but we think our pricing model allows for all budgets and the discounts can be selected by the customer.
Currently the hourly rate you would be charged for a development job can be anything between $300 and $0 per hour.
This is due to the Priority Levels and Service Package Rates. See below for more information
Discounted Service Packages
If your development is significate in time, or you have a number of ideas to develop, we also provide a discount for the Development Hours you required.
* Prices are excluding GST and in Australian Dollars as at the 28th of August 2024. Hourly Rate packages might vary, but service packages don’t expire.
Effective Hourly Rate
Once you have an idea of the number of hours you will need for development, and the priority/cost you are happy with you can now work out the effective hourly rate you are actually paying.
You will need to define your priority level. How important and quickly would you like this work to be done? If you are not in a rush to get the work done, then you can save a lot of money.
For example:
The total number of hours estimated is 67 hours.
Priority 7 Level Selected.
67 hours x 70% = 47 hours expected to be charged
50 Hour Service Package purchased ($210 per hour)
Total Estimated Cost is 47 hours @ $210 = $9,849
Effective Hour Rate$ = $9,849 / 67 Total Hours = $147 per hour
% Saving on Base Rate = ($300-$147)/$300 = 51%
If you have a look at the following graph you can see a bit clearer the Effective Hourly Rates you will actually be paying based on the Priority and the Packages for other Service Packages at different Priority Levels.
Further Questions?
We hope this process as is clear as possible, but if you are unsure of the steps of the costs, expected completion dates etc let us know and we can discuss.